Fiscal, Economic, and Social Impact Analyses
Decision makers rely on impact studies to understand economic, fiscal, and social impacts of regional changes. These changes can be included the starting, expansion, or loss of a business, addition of a new or loss/contraction of an existing industry, or changes in existing industry relationships, real estate development, or new, sunsetting, or changing public policies.

Market and Feasibility Studies
A market study is conducted for the purposes of introducing a new product or service, creating or expanding a new business, or understanding changes in existing business performance. The study compares various demand factors, including population, income, location, and more, to supply factors, including competition and proposed regional growth, to determine whether demand for the project exists in the region. A feasibility analysis uses information collected in the market study to determine whether the project meets financial goals set for the project.

Economic Research and Modeling
EEC specializes in a wide array of economic analysis services, including demographic, socio-economic, employment and housing projections and modeling, economic development strategy, industry analysis and targeting, site selection and location analyses, and more. We have created customized, accurate, and up-to-date reports for businesses, governments, attorneys, industry groups, and nonprofit organizations.

Litigation Support/Expert Witness Services
Dr. Larmore is a court-recognized expert witness with experience analyzing and testifying regarding economic damages in litigation matters. Dr. Larmore specializes in measuring damages in personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, employment and labor force, real estate, business interruption, and other person and business cases. She has testified in Federal and State courts, as well as arbitration and deposition settings.